Stanhill Court Wedding Photographer – A Winter’s Tale.
Kirsty and Andy married in December of 2014 at The Stanhill Court Hotel in Charlwood Surrey ( and I got to be their Stanhill Court Wedding Photographer. I’d previously met them both for their pre wedding shoot. Time constraints for the pair of them meant we only got together quite late in the year but there was a marked difference in weather between the late September shoot and their late December wedding! September was balmy whilst December was, to put it mildly, brisk. Stanhill Court is a great wedding venue in an idyllic setting and we enjoyed photographing in the grounds in late summer. However, as temperatures plummeted, there wouldn’t be such leisurely strolls this time..
You don’t have to know Kirsty long to know she’s a bright girl. Indeed she’s a very bright girl. Who doesn’t like the cold. Who obviously decides to gets married in the glorious English Winter! Undeterred, Kirsty faced down her nemesis “The Cold” for the group photographs but wisely spent the rest of the day enjoying the luxury to be found within the Hotel. The highlight of the day for me would have been an adapted “Twelve Days of Christmas” led by two of Andy’s best men, Mark and Steve. It would be worth tracking down the video just to see it :). Suffice to say that all present now know that Andy is indeed “a nice guy”. A dance off and a photobooth finished off the events later on. (Click here for the Photobooth!)
If you are planning a Stanhill Court Wedding and are looking to commission a Stanhill Court Wedding Photographer, please get in touch to discuss your requirements further. Call me on 07939 232347 or email me at Thanks.
Here are some of my favourite images of the day..