I spent my Sunday as part of a Bridal style shoot with the fabulous Carolyn from Bridal Reloved and the mighty Teresa and Mark from Ely Tuk Tuks. No shoot gets anywhere without a wonferful model and ours was no exception. Wonderful we had and Michelle was her name :) The beautiful bouquet came courtesy of Passionate Flowers. We visited Poets House, The Maltings, Visit Ely where our host was the most impressive Matt and we fininshed up at Ely Cathedral – superlatives unnecessary :) Thanks to all involved for making it a lovely day! I nearly forgot to thank the Hens at Poets House for their superb assistance with a couple of the shots. Best wishes, Gretna Green should be fun :)
It’s fair to say the day looked a little like this..
I had already been to the races at Newmarket but this was my first time as a Newmarket Racecourse Wedding Photographer! I’d visited the course before with Em and Stu for their pre wedding shoot (click here to view) so come the wedding I was nicely familiar with the place. The beautiful couple got married in an event that would come to be known as WEDFEST where they teamed a wedding ceremony in The Hong Kong Suite at Newmarket Racecourse with their very own wedding festival in Isleham. There’s a lot to commend about racecourse weddings, not least getting to take pictures on the track itself. I was lucky enough to photograph the all important Bridal Party Half Furlong on The Rowley Mile course with the winners (Emily and Stu of course :) posing victoriously at the winning post. We got everyone together for a group photo in the winners enclosure before heading back to Isleham. Emily spends her days as a visual designer so, unsurprisingly, all things Wedfest looked good. The day was a triumph of both form and function with camping, marquees, a superb ice cream van courtesy of Sweet Ally Scoops, Dan’s Bar and Ely’s best fish and chips.
There was a Lego sponge cake (not actually sponge made from Lego although with the proliferation of Lego products I suspect it’s only a matter of time..), games, live music and enough bunting to stretch from Ely to Dover. And donkeys. Donkeys are cool. They were actually Em’s family donkeys just in case I give the erroneous impression they hired donkeys for the event! The pair also were clever enough to rehearse a first dance routine and elevate theirs way above the ordinary. As I packed up for the evening, walking back to load various bits and pieces into my car, I noticed the fabulous night sky. At that moment I decided to get my tripod and capture a picture of the stars as they looked on Em and Stu’s wedding night for all eternity. You could scroll to the bottom now to see the shot but I’d suggest you get there at the end of viewing their fabulous wedding . I recommend a pinch of salt when you read that a photographer had a “..wonderful day!” photographing a wedding but I suspect my day was about as good as it gets :)
SUPPORTING CAST (all great films have one)
Dress: Amy Hare Couture https://www.pinterest.com/amyharecouture/
Flower headband: Crown & Glory http://www.crownandglory.co.uk/
Hair: family friend
Make up: Flash Kate http://www.flashkate.com/
Shoes: Red Or Dead / Converse
Brooch bouquet: made by the bride
Groom’s suit: Reiss
Groom’s waistcoat and usher’s ties: bride’s friend
Skull ornaments: bride’s own
Bunting and decorations: made by the bride and bride’s mum
Flowers: arranged by the bride
Fish & chips: https://www.facebook.com/www.thehandyplaice.co.uk
Ice cream van: Sweet Ally Scoops http://www.sweetallyscoops.co.uk/
Band: http://www.beerpressure.co.uk/
Marquee: Eclipse Marquee Hire http://www.eclipsemarqueehire.co.uk/
Here is a slideshow telling the story of the day. The pictures follow on underneath..
I love shooting weddings in London and this Thames Rowing Club Wedding alongside The Thames by Putney Bridge was no exception. Even allowing for the fact that I locked my keys in my car at The Lodge Hotel where the bridal preparation were taking place.. Obviously I could never admit to this as it would make me look extremely unprofessional if not downright idiotic, so I’d appreciated it if you kept this between us. Thanks :)
I’d first met Kathryn and Peter for their pre-wedding shoot that we did in Hyde Park about six weeks earlier. The day was one of glorious sunshine which turned out to be in stark contrast to the rather rainier weather of the wedding day itself. Before I met the pair of them I’d had the usual protestations that they weren’t very photogenic but you can see this was far from the case! The prep took place at The very stylish Lodge Hotel (LINK) on Richmond Road in Putney with the ceremony and reception all taking place at The Thames Rowing Club (LINK!) clubhouse. The Club sits (unsurprisingly!) alongside The Thames on Putney Embankment and affords fabulous views from the balcony that runs the length of The Club House.
The guests braved the rain to stand under the awning for the group shots while we made some Hollywood style portraits indoors. The rain meant going outside for Bride and Groom portraits wasn’t an option so I waited for a small gap in the weather. I’d set up a multi light portrait of the couple along the Thames and the second the rain eased up we went out to capture it. It turned out to be one of my favourite shots of the year! Indeed you can see it with other faves from the year on my home page..(WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER CAMBRIDGE)
If you are planning a Thames Rowing Club Wedding in London and are still looking to commission a wedding photographer, please get in touch to discuss your requirements further. Call me on 07939 232347 or email me at andy@andymitty.com. Thanks
Here are some of my favourite images of the day..
When Farbin booked me as their Enfield Register Office Wedding Photographer I was a happy photographer. , (Ruksana and Asif – Click Here!) , it was a pleasure to meet Farbin and Chris and their respective families. Register Offices can veer from the sublime to, well, not so sublime. Enfield Register Office is situated more towards the sublime end of the scale! The Office building itself is striking and it is adjacent to the rather photogenic lock ensuring that photo opportunities abound.
They were married in The Admiral’s Suite and we did the group photos out front of the Register Office and, also, alongside the lock.
Unbeknown to Farbin, a beautiful horse and carriage had been booked to take the couple to their reception at Capel Manor Gardens. As can happen through their ride was greatly delayed and meant people flannelling for an hour with various bogus reasons as to why it wasnt time to go yet! This wasn’t all bad as we were to get some of my favourite pictures in the enforced wait. Thankfully the secret was kept until their carriage finally did await and we were off to Capel Manor House. The Manor House is another place I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend to prospective brides and grooms. A Georgian Manor House in thirty beautiful acres, Capel Manor is also a horticultural college with quite beautiful gardens. I’ve yet to shoot a full day there but am very much looking forward to when I do! The evening ended with cake and sparklers.
You can view a slide show with the day covered in more detail by clicking HERE. If you are looking for an Enfield Register Office Wedding Photographer give me a call on 07939 232347 or email me at andy@andymitty.com. Thanks for reading :)
Lock in front of Enfield register Office on Gentleman’s Row
..in 2015 was pretty cool and the couples I met were even cooler :). Whilst I am based in Ely just outside Cambridge I spent at least half my time photographing Wedding Days in London and the surrounds. Continuing the Have Camera Will Travel theme one of my favourite venues was The Hard Day’s Night Hotel in Liverpool for Amanda and Lee’s wedding. The Hotel is round the corner from the world-famous Cavern Club and is a completely Beatles inspired affair. Amanda and Lee spent time in both The Lennon Suite and The McCartney Suite and either of them make fabulous suites for Newlyweds. If you are a Beatles fan you should really check the place out. You can see some of the day on this earlier blog post. I’m also a sucker for weddings in barns and Maidens Barn in Essex was another favourite place to photograph. Again, you can see examples of a wedding at Maidens barn on this blog post from last year. I’d say my favourite reception venue of the year was The Roost in Dalston, London. The Roost is a former Victorian Pub now converted into a four floor photographic and film location. I would definitely recommend you give it a look if you are London-based, if only for photographic reasons! The Dovecliff Hall Hotel in Derby completes my round-up of non Cambridge wedding venue recommendations for this year! Dating back to 1790 the Hall is an elegant Georgian House surrounded by seven acres of beautiful Staffordshire countryside and it can lend an air of relaxed sophistication to the most hectic of days.
I’d like to wish all my couples (That term can sound a little possessive, I don’t actually own them!) every happiness for the future. I’ll finish this post with a collection of my favourite wedding photography for the year. A look around this website, specifically the Portfolio and Blog sections will give you a feel for how I work. If you are looking for a Cambridge Wedding Photographer for 2016 and beyond please get in touch by email at andy@andymitty.com, use the contact form on the site, or , better still, phone me on 07939 232347. All shares of this post much appreciated and have a great 2016!
Kirsty and Andy married in December at The Stanhill Court Hotel in Charlwood Surrey (stanhillcourthotel.co.uk) and I got to be their Stanhill Court Wedding Photographer. I’d previously met them both for their pre wedding shoot. Time constraints for the pair of them meant we only got together quite late in the year but there was a marked difference in weather between the late September shoot and their late December wedding! September was balmy whilst December was, to put it mildly, brisk. Stanhill Court is a fabulous country house hotel in beautiful grounds and is licensed for civil wedding ceremonies. It is a great wedding venue in an idyllic setting and we enjoyed photographing in the grounds in late summer. However, as temperatures plummeted, there wouldn’t be such leisurely strolls this time..
You don’t have to know Kirsty long to know she’s a bright girl. Indeed she’s a very bright girl. Who doesn’t like the cold. Who obviously decides to gets married in the glorious English Winter! Undeterred, Kirsty faced down her nemesis “The Cold” for the group photographs but wisely spent the rest of the day enjoying the luxury to be found within the Hotel. The highlight of the day for me would have been an adapted “Twelve Days of Christmas” led by two of Andy’s best men, Mark and Steve. It would be worth tracking down the video just to see it :). Suffice to say that all present now know that Andy is indeed “a nice guy”. A dance off and a photobooth finished off the events later on. (Click here for the Photobooth!)
If you are planning a Stanhill Court Wedding and are looking to commission a Stanhill Court Wedding Photographer, please get in touch to discuss your requirements further. Call me on 07939 232347 or email me at andy@andymitty.com. Thanks.
Here is a slideshow of their day and you can see the pictures below. Thanks
Here are a few pictures from Scott and Victoria’s delightful wedding at Maidens Barn in Pleshy. Full blog post to follow.. :)
One of my favourite venues is definitely the quite fabulous Granary Barns, (http://www.thegranaryestates.co.uk). The Granary Barns at Parsonage Farm in Woodditton, Suffolk has a lot to recommend it as a wedding venue. The restored and repurposed Flint and Granary Barns provide high class luxury spaces whilst the adjoining landscaped courtyard is the perfect outdoor setting for the summer months. Additionally, the mill-pond and cornfields lend themselves to some fantastic romantic wedding day portraits. All in all it’s a wonderful venue and one befitting of the wedding of Charlotte and David. Here’s the story of their fabulous day :)
I was fortunate enough to spend the second week in May 2013 at The Photographer Academy’s Academy Week for a weeks training at The Palladian Mansion in Kildare with Photography Masters Mark Cleghorn and Kenny Martin. We covered everything from Lighting to Posing to Portraiture to Boudoir right up to Art Nude. (more…)
I shot mostly in London throughout last year but I’d say my favourite venues were in Cambridgeshire and Suffolk, namely Anstey Hall and The Granary Estates. If you are considering them as your wedding venue I would highly recommend them. I always enjoy London though and suspect this year will be even better with the dismantling of the tolls on the Dartford Crossing..(yay!). Finally a big thank you to all the Brides, Grooms and everyone else who have been such fun and made my job one of the best there is!
Please feel free to share the video wherever and whenever, especially if you know someone getting married in 2015 : ) Thanks and Happy New Year (more…)